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Trust Your Inner Guide

This letter was written to a friend offering perspective.

My Friend, It sounds like you’ve got yourself in a corner? Or think you made a mistake? Allow me to offer some ideas…

Trust, This Too Shall Pass.
At this point in my earth sojourn, I realize so much is temporary and to make the best conscious decisions possible in every moment. Everything in each turn is a choice. My wisdom has been hard won. Too many years resisting what was actually easy to change. With mindful healthy habits my life is at ease now. I don’t let people or situations knock me off my center much anymore.

Don’t Let FEAR Take Up Rent in Your Head.
First, immediately kick the word FEAR and SCARED out of your vocabulary and thoughts. That is the biggest roadblock to being in the flow. And don’t beat yourself up either. Whatever your situation is… your higher soul self brought this lesson to you to learn from. Be grateful. Anything you manifested can be UN-manifested. And, please, do not worry. As fretting creates another speed-bump.

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
No longer is it about trying harder to make things work out. This antiquated belief puts you paddling backwards upstream. Now, it is about the clarity of thought energy, and intention -not the physical effort. Primarily, it is deciding where you put your thoughts ALL the time. The intent by which you project outward comes back fast now. Live in the awareness- and with recognition for where you are mentally and emotionally in every moment. This is simple to do, but does take practice. The perceived good or bad …. appreciate that as a perspective, then release it. Carry nothing forward.

Take a Deep Breath. Relax. Refocus.
Whenever those rampant gut wrenching thoughts consume you – hit restart. Focus on your breathing to ground yourself immediately. And let unsettling thoughts float on by. Our brains are receptors and will pick up- and hold thought forms we identify with. Do not attach to taxing thoughts because they will get a foothold. Instead, use your thoughts to change your thoughts. Center and balance yourself with your heart energy. And breathe!

Accept the Challenge to Change.
All souls are being called to conquer our outdated paradigms. Primarily this process is purging thought patterns and habits that no longer serve us. Challenges are opportunities to re-examine and resolve conflicts within our psyche. Thus, we need to look at our resistant spots. Know there is a lesson-gift embedded, and open yourself. Let go of the notion of right vs. wrong. Instead expand your awareness. Stretch, then advance with confidence.

Live Intentionally. And with Clarity.
You will get your flow back. Just FEEL your way back to it. Situations ask us to evaluate- ascend from- and be present to consider new ideas for a healthy mindset. Just be cognizant and mindful where you put your thoughts. Take full responsibility for all your actions. Use intentions purposefully. Intention is very powerful right now. Particularly used in conjunction with clarity of thought.

Trust Your Inner Guide.
Go easy on yourself. Re-balance often with your breath. You got this. I know you do! I am just the reminder. That’s what friends are for! I wrote another article LIVE YOUR TRUTH awhile back that may also help.

Release and trust your inner wise warrior who is your guide. There awaits many magic moments ahead on our journey! Many blessings to YOU!

Below are books that offer related perspective, guidance and support. (Covers are linked.)

Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.
No reprints or copying without permission of the author, Patty Ann.