I am purposeful with most everything I do in my life. As such, I decided to make use of my radiation time and pay it forward. I have a number of family and friends with health issues. Therefore, every day I am getting radiation therapy, I focus, share, and send this huge healing light onto another who might use it too.
I have sent it to friends in need. One has a hip surgery coming up. Another has left over injuries from an auto accident. Another had oral surgery. And of course, I save some out for my own healing.
One morning my daughter texted me Cleo was failing fast. Cleo, was found in their shed a few days earlier barely hanging onto life. She was a scant 3/4 pound, about 5 weeks old. Dehydrated severely, and malnourished. And luckily found by my son-in-law. While Cleo’s first days of rehab were productive; her body was overwhelmed with much. And she faltered. My daughter’s text came just as I was going into radiation. So I re-focused my intention for this time to be solely for Cleo. She went to the vet again that day. Only time would reveal whether Cleo was called back to heaven- or stay on earth. She had a huge aura and came from so much adversity to be for not. That same night, I awakened to know a transition had happened. I looked out at the full moon and had a sense of peace knowing all would be well for our orphan. The next morning my daughter texted that Cleo woke up mid-night and scarfed down her food and for the first time, drank water. Now whether my focused energy flow helped heal Cleo, or she made up her mind to stay on earth is hard to tell. But, the way I look at it is my healing energy is intentionally sent as a prayer to another to use at will.
One of my dear friends, had been having ongoing water issues on her rural property. Underground leaks difficult to detect; irrigation water line disruptions; and more. I sent her a blast of light waves. I envisioned water running abundantly all around her. Through her hands, feet, swirling and raining over her body.
Right after my session, I texted her: I sent you flowing water all around you… showering you… running through your hands…
Within 15 minutes she texted: Patty-it just rained with the sun out! And I stood outside.
I smiled and texted her back: That is what is called LIGHT rain!
She texted: I just have a BIG grin on my face. THANK YOU!
My text: ME too!
My friend wrote: I just Loved the RAIN. I came out of nowhere. Well, seemingly nowhere.
Another coincidence? Or, am I fine tuning-refining my energy manifestation skills?
Number 3. There had been many issues with my house pertaining to too much. A barn builder rudely backed out after stringing me along. My brain, body and soul were depleted. The last 3 days of this third radiation week I focused on the expedient final frame up of my house completed. The cleansing of the space. The roof on it the next week. My small horse barn roof built within 2 weeks. The strength of clarity in mind and body for myself.
After my 3 focus sessions: The roofer said the next week the roof would go on. The house builder who refused to work weekends, did. A lead came for a barn builder. I sent him my barn design. He said he did not do pole barns; only houses and garages. We chatted. Then he said he would get me a quote and come look the following Monday! He may also be willing and able to complete my home as well. This is one of the fastest multiple manifestations I’ve created. Why? The challenges of the scheduling, time line commitments, coordinating subs seamlessly and people dynamics. As for me, I am committed and purposeful. Yet, ongoing radiation has been difficult. I vacillate between lucid and bipolar moments. Clarity of mind, to chaos. Energetic to exhaustion.
Intentional living is gaining ground as we all become more aware. While radiation has side effects I do not enjoy, It is temporary. I have bouts of nausea, after treatment. My breast is tight with more scar tissue. My appetite has increased because the energy flowing through my body is triggering a need for more nutrients. At first I felt the sensation of the beam going in my body. A few times I felt it enter like a sharp needle. They said I would not feel it at all. Well, not true. At least for me. My body is tuned in so I feel EVERYTHING. Thus, I have adjusted myself to cope. And why, intention and focus are key for me.
I do not dwell on the treatment side effects. Instead, I focus on my ongoing property progression. The flow, the ease, the finish of all. I visualize myself standing on my front porch, reminiscing my recent past. Looking over at my horses peacefully grazing near their new barn. They too are settled, very content.
My job of radiation now has 6 treatments out of 20 left. Doable. I write on my calendar my intention for each visit. As I drive the 45 minutes to the clinic I meditate on that day’s light intention. Thus, when I lay in the position to receive, I am prepared to make use of that one minute beam. I must hold my breath for several 20-30 second radiations. When I am focused the time does not exist. My mission is stronger. I have used this technique in my meditations. Breathe deep, or exhale. Hold. Explore this vast time and space. Time is irrelevant. As only the NOW exists.
The NOW focal point brings a renewal. While breath feeds our body; keeps us living; it also serves as a regulator for life. Breath slowed down brings pause. This is an beneficial practice to reset your mind, body and spirit. And, restore calm in your psyche.
BTW… To my wonderful oncology radiation team at Samaritan YOU ALL ROCK! Your daily kindness, and positivity are very welcome. My sincere gratitude to EACH ONE of YOU.