Animal Communication Playbook
Do You Own a Dog, Cat, Horse, Parrot, Duck, or Goat?
Are You Visited by Deer, Skunk, Eagle, Bear or Possum?
Learn to Talk and Interpret Pet and Wildlife Language.
And Commune with Animals Just Like Dr. Doolittle!
Deepen Your Communication—and Connections With Furry Friends Using Your Innate Intuition and Critical Thinking Skills. This Step-by-Step Interactive Action Playbook is full of How-to-Do Instructional Activities. This coaching guide starts with basics—and then dives deeply into the many facets of becoming an effective animal communicator. Every page has note-worthy exercises. Many field activity templates are included. Guide is easy to read, understand and comprehend for all ages. An engaging lifelong skill to develop deeper relationships with your pets and all animal species!
The TALK YOUR PET’s LANGUAGE Playbook was created to:
- Nurture awareness of how all animal species communicate
- Foster an appreciation for the value all living beings bring to our planet
- Comprehend animal language that is unique, yet similar to humans
- Develop, explore and grow your ability for extrasensory animal perception~!
Did You Know…
Animals Talk by Sending Silent Pictures and Emotions?
Explore and Discover Inter-Species Communication.
Here is a Synopsis of What this Resource Offers:
♥ Enable the Human-Animal Connection
♥ Tap-in to Tune-in to the Animal Channel
♥ Find the Feel of Animal Energy Vibrations
♥ Prepare Yourself for an Animal Conversation
♥ How to Initiate Greetings and Receive Messages
♥ Discover Techniques to Interpret Animal Language
♥ Recognize Your Body Talk for Reciprocal Listening
♥ Clarify to Simplify When Asking Animals Questions
♥ Discern Behaviors to Validate Animal Conversations
♥ Expand Intuition and Open Your Inner Being to Receive!
Activities Include:
- – Reflective Writing Prompts
- – Self Assessments Critiques
- – Lots of Practical Practice and Exercises
- – Play Sheets to Connect, Send and Receive Messages
Size: 93 Pages / Format: PDF