Essential Communication Skills
We did NOT come equipped with Communication Skills at birth. What we learn(ed) was-is acquired through our family, friends, peers, media and limited to our social class. We interact with others based on our perceptions and biases. We adopt conversation patterns that work, but may not work as we intended. Confusion and frustration are often the result.
Enhance Interpersonal Relationships
Assess Behaviors for Best Practices
Learn How Perceptions Affect All Interactions
Recognize to Modify Effective Listening Habits
Find Resolution for Challenging Interactions
Discern Non-verbal Body Language
Evaluate Message Content and Context
– What is Communication? Basics and Beyond
– Why Communication Goes Astray
– Nonverbal Communication Facts
– Why Perceptions Influence Communication
– Learn Perception Checks for Perspective
– Reasons Why Listening is Challenging
– Benefits for Developing Good Listening Habits
– Creating Cooperative Communication Climates
– Types of Messages: Verbal and Non-verbal Clarified
– Passive-Aggressive Behavior Trait Recognition
– Coping Strategies for Conflict Resolution
– Communicate to Connect, Bond and Build Trust
– Making Relationships Work Without Working Hard
– Written Communication in Letters and Emails
– Special Note to Teachers, Mentors and Employers
On an overhead projector to share with groups.
As a handout to start a discussion.
As independent worksheets; or as a self assessments.
Easy to understand for self-guided distance learners!
Use as a primary or supplemental instructional aid.
Give as a gift to anyone needing relationship help.
Purchase as a quick reference book.
Size: 65 Pages / 1 MB / Format: PDF