Business Law on Ethics


Business Law is About Citizen Ethics, Integrity and Civic Responsible Conduct. This Product is a FUN Introduction to Business Law! This Lesson is a PDF presentation full of ethical decision making and moral debates. This ‘mini-course’ is loaded with activities to keep your class awake and aware!

The “Spider in Your House” theme engages students to:

  • Critical thinking as applied to ethical conduct.
  • Assess SITUATION-PROBLEM-RESOLUTION-OUTCOME as applied to real life issues.
  • Activities can be utilized for an hour, a day, a week, or as a mini break.
  • A proactive asset for classes that need to be engaged and challenged.
  • Effective for Social Studies, Civics, Critical Thinking Development and Growth Mindset.

WHY the “Spider in Your House” theme? Spiders are a symbolic metaphor for important issues that need attention in your life!

Size: 27 Pages / Format: PDF