Bipolar Brilliant
You do NOT need to be bipolar to be brilliant. However, this book compares and contrasts bipolar with humanity’s innate talents. The bipolar perspective is included, as the creative arts have long been associated with this disorder.
Bipolar, or not, the content is inclusive of ALL folks wanting a deeper understanding of how intelligence contributes to developing our inherited gifts. Human curiosity seeks to explore our creative intellect that often leads to spiritual expansion. Offered are open minded thoughts to consider. Common beliefs are dissected and evaluated. All ideas presented are non-denominational.
Bipolar Brilliant celebrates many vibrant aspects. Unique tips and helpful suggestions include:
– Express and Open your Limitless Creativity
– Spiritual Awakening versus a Bipolar Mood Swing
– Understand How Thoughts and Beliefs Shape Reality
– Discern the Difference Between a Busy or Bipolar Mind
– Cultivate Self Alignment and Balance Naturally
– Develop Intuition through Self Discovery
Size: 101 Pages / 703 KB / Format: PDF