A lucid dream is one where you are aware of your dream state as it’s happening. Very often, lucid dreams deliver the dreamer a message. Other times, the lucid dreamer is the messenger of the dream, to deliver to someone else.
Lucid dreams are a way others communicate even though you may not have interacted for years. These relations may want to thank or acknowledge you. Or just say a simple hello. Souls who come forth can be alive, or departed. Be our animals, or another embodiment such as our spirit guides. And even, visitors we do not know.
When your dream conscious mind recognizes you are experiencing a dream, you also awake to your active participation inside this looking glass. Lucid dreams can be premonitions; travel to other dimensions or lifetimes; and visits to the past and future. You can even astral travel to see your friends and loved ones in real time. Test it out. Set a dream intention before falling asleep. And upon waking, you are able to remember every detail; even the oddities that perplexed you inside your luminous state.
Dreams are often abstract. Our constructs result from how our brain and/or subconscious receives, then interprets the information. Therefore, often messages need to be untangled. Like a puzzle, pieced into place. This is the fun part. If your lucid dream includes another living person, chat with them. Most often they can help you figure it out. Or, fit the peculiar pieces together.
For instance. My son-in-law, Conner, had an owl dream he had to share with me. He was reticent to disclose the oddities in the dream. Why? Because in his immediate perception it was not only baffling, but downright weird. But, to me his dream revealed AWESOMENESS.
In short, Conner’s dream was about a very large robust owl who appeared, and towered over him. The owl was intense with intent. Before long Conner was carrying this owl, inside a package, as they went on a walk. That is where his dream ended. So Conner’s lucid dream became a journey because he was quite compelled to tell me. Yet he did not understand why. Until I then told Conner of my experience last year. Which happened to be just a month prior to when he married my daughter! We figured out all the nuances of his brief owl encounter, including that package he needed to deliver. It was very evident my Great Grey Owl was reaching out to me once again. To tell me he was fine, and even stronger than before. This was not the first time my friend reached out through another. But, it was the first time the Great Grey used a lucid dream to reconnect. And no less, on a night of a full moon! The miracle story of this Great Grey Owl is linked here.
Once you start having awareness inside your lucid dreams you will be captivated. Largely because you will discover other aspects of your soul self. And, you will open up other portholes of possibilities. In turn, your options for self awareness expands beyond limitless. Essentially, it is your own consciousness–along with the collective that recognizes itself in action. And so these interludes become magic in the making!
Having a lucid dream is a natural progression and evolution of our soul journey. Some may consider lucid dreams as a sign of evolving oneself from this 3rd dimension into the 5th dimensional beings we are destined to become. Oh MY! And guess what? My front door just blew wide open while typing this last sentence… to reinforce this point!? There are NO coincidences. Only synchronized junctions of harmonic agreements.
Experiment with your dream intentions prior to sleep. You can also arrange to meet someone in a dream. And together co-create a dream-escape–another stage on which to perform. It helps that your friend is not only receptive, but also has lucid dream awareness. Once upon a time, I had a co-conspiring dream friend. Made from inside creation itself, with our own conscious intent: our dreams manifested pure alchemy.
Lucid dreams are becoming prolific and the norm for many now. It is a gift. Threads strung from our own cosmic connections to expand our awareness during this unique sojourn. Unveil the mystery. And enjoy the enchantments that will surprise and delight you.
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